Зацените фильм пожалуйста
Создана: 14 Марта 2010 Вск 22:41:51.
Раздел: "Фильмы и кино"
Сообщений в теме: 216, просмотров: 167309
Вот статья из Италии про фильм "Еще чуток, мрази"
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Отмечают сильную нервную энергию фильма и "разрыв действительности" -
Документальный фильм "Милана" с титрами на английском и французском, HD качество, за просмотр (24 часа) цена 1 доллар
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Отзыв о фильме Мадины "Еще чуток, мрази", из Хьюстона
Dear Madina,
It appears I never responded to your email. My apologies.
Your film was very well received by our audience! As one viewer said (and I remember this well because I agreed), he genuinely admired your style of storytelling, especially appreciating that it felt like learning a new visual language.
For some members of the trans community, they had trouble with Zhenya's depiction of her trans identity, but others where quick to argue that it was necessary to not judge her through Western eyes. Others were fascinated by Zhenya's general acceptance by most of her friends, who appear to be mostly straight.
Lots of discussion followed the screening, as your film provoked many audience members to reevaluate their western views when it came to considering LGBT issues in other parts of the world.
I do hope you will continue to remain in touch and let me know of any new work you are creating. I'd be very interested in knowing what you are up to.
All the best,
Kristian -
Дочь говорит, что может быть сегодня на vimeo разместит. Просмотр платный , примерно 2,5 доллара
Трейлер выложили на vimeo, вечером будет фильм
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Недавно показали фильм на фестивале ЛГБТ в Амстердаме
Вот письмо от зрителя
Dear Madina
I really loved your documentary about Zhenya. I've seen the film yesterday at the opening of the Transcreen filmfestival in Amsterdam. We were about thirty or more, I don't know, and warmly applauded afterwards. I think in the movie you showed us the friendship and affection towards Zhenya, something we could feel as well. Thank you for making it and showing it.
I have some questions. I hope you will be able to respond to them. I write for an online magazine about gender diversity (www.continuum.nl) and I'd like to write something there about the film festival Transcreen.
I understood that in the end Zhenya wasn't really supporting the film anymore. According to Paul ter Veld, one of the organizers, and the one who read your statement, you don't really know why. Do you still not know why?
Does that stop you from promoting the documentary to other festivals or change your attitude towards spreading the screening?
How would you describe the situation towards transgender people in Kazakhstan?
Why did you make this movie?
What was your goal making it?
Where does the title refer to (come on, scumbags)?
Do you have plans in the same direction (trans, or lbgt-movies)? Or, what is your next project?
Thanks again,
All the best, Ton -
Мадина Мустафина
13 mins ·
Выкладываю свою курсовую "Тупик". Это мой первый фильм! 54 мин.
Может у кого получится написать синопсис в 2-3 предложения? Будет круто!
Это история про моего брата, на момент фильма ему 23 года. У него жена и двое детей. С женой отношения портятся, он переезжает жить отдельно, но приезжает каждый день с покупками и чтоб побыть с детьми. И еще, он встречается со своей первой школьной любовью..
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