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Создана: 24 Апреля 2009 Птн 15:07:17.
Раздел: "Объявления и реклама"
Сообщений в теме: 12, просмотров: 1441
Intel Celeron 850 МГц/ ECS P6IPAT ATX i815EP/ 192 Мб SDRAM/ HDD 7 Гб БББ, но шумный/ GeForce 2 MX 400 32 Мб/128 бит/ TEAC CD-540E 40x/ звук/ ATX 250 Вт
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Проверка при покупке и трехдневный манибэк гарантируются.
Тел. 8-913-655-47-00 -
На ATI RAGE 128 меняемся? Я так понимаю она не особо хуже
128ПРО. Вот с офф сайта инфа:
RAGE 128 PRO technology includes all features of the original RAGE 128 chip as well many new "step-up features" above and beyond that of the RAGE 128.
New step up features of the RAGE 128 PRO graphics boards over the original RAGE 128 graphics boards (RAGE FURY, Xpert 128, and Xpert 2000) can be grouped into 3 sections as follows:
* Increased visual quality
* Increased game frame rate performance
* Added video functionality
The step up features are accomplished through the addition of the following enhancements to our product:
* Integrated TMDS transmitter to enable flat panel displays
* Increased triangle set up engine from 4M triangles/sec to 8M triangles/sec for more bandwidth to increase CPU/graphics board efficiency
* Full AGP 4X bus compliance with AGP 2X backward compatibility -
Что там за ахтунг в "похожих фото"?